Thursday, March 5, 2020

Thursday March 5, 2020

-Jump Math Pg 20, 21
-Athens Newspaper Article due next Friday, March 13
-Weekly math sheet due Wednesday
-French Menu due now
-Science Sketchnotes due now

Quizzes/ Tests
-Social Studies Athens quiz next Thursday, March 12th. Use the class website and your notes to review

-Please sign and return the Safety Expo Forms

Junior High School
Please use the link below to learn which school your child is designated to attend next year. If you are interested in having your child attend a different Junior High, please contact that Junior High school directly.

Don't Forget
-Don't forget to return or renew your overdue library books

Upcoming Events
March 6: CAD
March 11: Safety Expo field trip
March 19: Dress like your teacher day
March 19: Winter Sports Day 12:00 to 1:00
March 19: Parent-Teacher Conferences (2:30pm to 8:00pm)
March 20: Parent-Teacher Conferences (9:00am to 12:30pm)
March 23 to March 29: Spring Break
March 30: Classes Resume after Spring Break
April 3: Family Movie Night

Don't forget to check out our class website for grade 6 resources