Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Wednesday February 12, 2020

Dear 6B Parents,

   We had a short but enjoyable week skating on the ring beside the school.  A big thanks to all of the parent volunteers who came out to hand out skates and helmets, tie laces and console students who fell!

   We have continued our look at fractions this week, learning how to compare them by making common denominators.  Using either division or multiplication, the students looked for the lowest common multiple between the two denominators and either changed one or both fractions.  We will be concluding this unit next week with a look at finding the factional amounts of whole numbers and fraction word problems.  We will have a quiz next Friday on all concepts related to fractions.

    The students learned about the position of the sun and how it affects the seasons this week.  In the summer months, the northern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun giving us more direct sunlight and thus warmer temperatures.  In the winter, our hemisphere is tilted away from the sun causing the rays to be more spread out and cool temperatures.

Enjoy your long weekend,
Mr. Cull

-Jump Math Pg 159, 160
-Constellation lesson due next Tuesday
-Weekly math sheet due next Wednesday
-Athens board game is due Tuesday, February 18th
     1. Character Cards
     2. Five Travel Cards
     3. Six Ancient Cite Cards
     4. Playing Pieces
     5. Game Board

Quizzes/ Tests

-Math Quiz on Fractions next Friday (Use Pg 140 to 165 in Jump Math to review)

-No forms due at this time

Parent Math Resources
As students get older and start to move into the upper grades, math becomes more challenging for students and parents who are helping them.  Below is a grade YouTube resource for parents looking for a refresher.

Junior High School
Please use the link below to learn which school your child is designated to attend next year.  If you are interested in having your child attend a different Junior High, please contact that Junior High school directly.

Don't Forget
-Don't forget to return or renew your overdue library books

Upcoming Eve
February 26: Pink Shirt Day
February 27: Sir John A MacDonald Jr High Tour
February 27: Sir John A MacDonald Jr High Parent Information night (5:30 pm to 7:00 pm)
March 6: CAD
March 11: Safety Expo field trip
March 19: Dress like your teacher day
March 19: Parent-Teacher Conferences
March 20: Parent-Teacher Conferences
March 23 to March 29: Spring Break
March 30: Classes Resume after Spring Break
April 3: Family Movie Night

Don't forget to check out our class website for grade 6 resources