Monday, November 18, 2019

Monday November 18, 2019

An Evening of Gathering and Giving Thursday, November 28th (6:30pm to 8:00 pm)
To celebrate the completion of our Buffalo Mural by local Artist Ryan Willard, we will be having a night of Gathering and Giving.  Following a Mash-Up Pow wow and the dedication of the mural from a Blackfoot elder, we will have centers where families can write holiday cards for Meals on Wheels, decorate food hamper boxes and decorate rocks for the #svsrockskindness campaign.  We are looking for grade 6 students to help run these different centers.  Please let your classroom teacher know if you are willing to help and available.

-Jump Math - Pg 75, 76, 77 (Measurement)
-Social Flip-Up Legislature: Please finish the cards for The Queen, Speaker, Sergeant at Arms and the Mace, Lieutenant Governor, Premier, Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA), Government
-Flip Grid French video due Monday
-Science Trees and Forests Unit Project will be due November 29th

Don't Forget
-Headphones: please bring an extra set of headphones to school if you have them
-Don't forget to return or renew your overdue library books
-Please return any math tests you have taken home, once they are signed

Quizzes/ Tests
-No scheduled tests or quizzes

-No forms due at this time

Upcoming Events
November 21 & 22: Student-Led Conferences
November 28: Evening of Gathering and Giving (6:30pm)
December 11: The Show Must Go On (Cast A)
December 12: The Show Must Go On (Cast B)
December 19: Last Day of classes
January 7: Classes Resume

Don't forget to check out our class website for grade 6 resources