Thursday, October 17, 2019

Thursday October 17, 2019

SVS Pumpkinella!
Get your family together and join in the fun for SVS's Pumpkinella! Design, carve or dress up a pumpkin to bring for display. ONLY ONE DISPLAY PER FAMILY! Bring your pumpkin to the DLC after school on Wednesday, October 30th or the morning of Thursday, October 31st from 8:20-8:40am. The pumpkin may have a safer journey if they are not brought to school on the bus. If you could add a tea-light to the center of your pumpkin, it will add to a special effect when placed in the gym. Classes will tour the gym throughout the day to enjoy your efforts. Pumpkins MUST be picked up to go home by Thursday between 4:00 and 5:00pm. Any pumpkins left at school will be composted.

Halloween Hop
We are looking for parent and student volunteers to run the concession at the Halloween Hop for 30-minute intervals on Friday, October 25 from 6:30 - 8:30. Please e-mail if you're able to volunteer. The proceeds from the event go toward the Grade 6 Farewell celebration.

-Go to vote compass to find out which Federal Party aligns with your values
-Think of two questions for MLA - Minister Pon, who is visiting our classroom tomorrow
-No Jump Math Homework
-Science Water Cycle sheet due tomorrow
-One Perspective art project, draft #1 was due last Tuesday

Don't Forget
-We are starting to collect pictures and information about the family members of SVS students/ staff that have served in the armed forces, for our Remembrance Day assembly. Please forward pictures/ information to
-Headphones - please bring an extra set of headphones to school if you have them

Quizzes/ Tests
-No Scheduled quizzes or test

-Field trip forms for our Edmonton Legislature trip came home today!

Upcoming Events
October 15, 17, 25: Work with Calgary Rapper Transit
Friday, October 18: Meet with Provincial Minister Josephine Pon
Monday, October 21: Junior Achievement working with grade 6
Wednesday, October 23: Grade 6 Vaccinations
Wednesday, October 30: Edmonton Legislature Field Trip
Thursday, October 31: Pumpkinella
Friday, November 1: No School
Friday, November 8: Remembrance Day Assembly at 10:30am
Monday, November 11: Remembrance Day - No School
November 21 & 22: Student-Led Conferences

Don't forget to check out our class website for resources