Monday, September 16, 2019

September 16, 2019

-Jump Math Pages 12, 13, 14, 15 due today
-All About Me Sketch Notes due today
-Learning Styles bar graph due today
-Letter to the Teacher due today
*students have been given a lot of in-class time to complete these assignments*

There will be a math quiz next Thursday on Patterns and Algebra.  Review pages 9 to 20 in your Jump math books.

Don't forget to check out our class website for resources

Please return your Track and Field form to me
Don't forget to return your Big Box Card boxes or the money if you sell it

Coming Up
September 19: Parent Teacher Interviews (2:00pm to 7:00pm)
September 20: Parent Teacher Interviews (8:30pm to 1:30pm)
*click the link to sign up for interviews *
September 23, 24, 25: School Pictures
September 25: Vaccination Presentation for Alberta Health Services
September 26: Division II Track and Field Day
September 27: Terry Fox Run
September 30: Orange Shirt Day
October 2: Apple Store Field trip - Story writing with Keynote
October 8: Junior Achievement Presentation - A Business of Our Own
October 15, 17, 25: Songwriting with local rapper Transit
October 23: Grade 6 Vaccinations
October 30: Edmonton Legislature Trip